Whatsapp Text Formatter

Whatsapp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. It has over one billion active monthly users, making it one of the most important communication tools for businesses and individuals. With so many people using it, there is a lot of noise and chaos in messages. To make sure your message is heard and understood, you need to format it properly. In this article, we will teach you how to format your WhatsApp messages in the best way possible so that they are easily readable and understood by your recipients.

However it is difficult to use bold and italics. That is why we designed the WhatsApp Text Formatter. Simply type your text below, using bold, italics, or strikethroughs as desired, and then click 'Format.' It will generate the formatted text automatically, freely pasted into your WhatsApp chat!

Hello there, please leave your message. Thank you

I will check your message, ASAP

Submit reports before 1 pm on friday