Minecraft Color Codes

Minecraft Color Codes and Minecraft Formatting Codes allow players to change the appearance of text in their creations. This can be used to modify the color of the in-game lettering, for example. If you want to modify the color of dyed leather armor, you can also use this method.

These color codes can also be used to make colored signs or add color to server messages. The latter can be used to format in-game texts, such as making announcements bold or italic.

In Minecraft, there are many fewer formatting codes than color codes, which makes them easy to remember. The focus of this essay will be on color codes, although here are some formatting codes for Minecraft that you might find useful:

Simply click the cell to copy the text into clipboard.

Minecraft Color Codes

Color Name Chat Code MOTD Code HEX Code
Black (black) §0 \u00A70 #000000
Dark Blue (dark_blue) §1 \u00A71 #0000AA
Dark Green (dark_green) §2 \u00A72 #00AA00
Dark Aqua (dark_aqua) §3 \u00A73 #00AAAA
Dark Red (dark_red) §4 \u00A74 #AA0000
Dark Purple (dark_purple) §5 \u00A75 #AA00AA
Gold (gold) §6 \u00A76 #FFAA00
Gray (gray) §7 \u00A77 #AAAAAA
Dark Gray (dark_gray) §8 \u00A78 #555555
Blue (blue) §9 \u00A79 #5555FF
Green (green) §a \u00A7a #55FF55
Aqua (aqua) §b \u00A7b #55FFFF
Red (red) §c \u00A7c #FF5555
Light Purple (light_purple) §d \u00A7d #FF55FF
Yellow (yellow) §e \u00A7e #FFFF55
White (white) §f \u00A7f #FFFFFF

Minecraft Text Format Codes

Name Chat Code MOTD Code Edition
Obfuscated §k \u00A7k JE/BE
Bold §l \u00A7l JE/BE
Strikethrough §m \u00A7m JE
Underline §n \u00A7n JE
Italic §o \u00A7o JE/BE
Reset §r \u00A7r JE/BE